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¿Quién Soy?

MI historia

Mi historia en el filmmaking comenzó en España, donde descubrí mi pasión por contar historias visuales. Al principio, trabajaba en proyectos pequeños, a menudo aceptando trabajos gratuitos para ganar experiencia, lo que no siempre fue bien visto por mis colegas. Durante esa etapa, también tuve trabajos fuera del filmmaking, como repartir folletos o ser socorrista, pero siempre supe que mi verdadero objetivo era dedicarme a mi pasión.

Con el tiempo, empecé a tomar proyectos más serios, como producciones publicitarias y bodas, lo que me ayudó a construir una base sólida como creador. Sin embargo, la inestabilidad de ser freelance en España era un desafío constante. Había meses buenos, pero también muchos en los que dudaba si podría mantenerme.

Todo cambió cuando decidí mudarme a Suiza. Allí, enfrenté retos completamente nuevos, como aprender alemán para comunicarme con los clientes y adaptarme a un mercado diferente. A pesar de eso, los trabajos comenzaron a llegar, y poco a poco fui ganando confianza y construyendo una carrera que hoy me permite generar $5,000 al mes y trabajar en proyectos internacionales. Desde documentales en África y Cuba hasta producciones en castillos y eventos exclusivos, he transformado mi pasión en una carrera que me inspira todos los días

Empresas con las que trabaje


Explora nuestros proyectos de filmmaking y descubre tu potencial artístico.

A professional digital film camera, specifically an ARRI model, with various controls and a display screen. It is set up on a tripod in a dimly lit environment with shelves and tools visible in the background.
A professional digital film camera, specifically an ARRI model, with various controls and a display screen. It is set up on a tripod in a dimly lit environment with shelves and tools visible in the background.
A group of people are on a film set with lighting creating dramatic shadows. A person wearing a cap and glasses is sitting on the floor operating a professional camera mounted on a dolly track. Other individuals are involved in setting up and possibly directing the scene, with one person holding a camera on the right side.
A group of people are on a film set with lighting creating dramatic shadows. A person wearing a cap and glasses is sitting on the floor operating a professional camera mounted on a dolly track. Other individuals are involved in setting up and possibly directing the scene, with one person holding a camera on the right side.
A person sits at a table with a serious expression, surrounded by filmmaking equipment such as a professional camera and a laptop. The setting is dimly lit, with a bright spotlight in the background that creates dramatic shadows.
A person sits at a table with a serious expression, surrounded by filmmaking equipment such as a professional camera and a laptop. The setting is dimly lit, with a bright spotlight in the background that creates dramatic shadows.
A professional film camera is set up on a tripod in an empty auditorium, capturing rows of wooden seats. A person wearing a dark shirt and a cap is standing next to the camera, possibly operating it.
A professional film camera is set up on a tripod in an empty auditorium, capturing rows of wooden seats. A person wearing a dark shirt and a cap is standing next to the camera, possibly operating it.
A black and white scene capturing a film set, highlighting a man in profile who appears to be a director or camera operator. He is observing or interacting with a large camera setup, which is positioned on a dolly track. The background features diffused lighting and blurred frames on the walls, suggesting an indoor setting.
A black and white scene capturing a film set, highlighting a man in profile who appears to be a director or camera operator. He is observing or interacting with a large camera setup, which is positioned on a dolly track. The background features diffused lighting and blurred frames on the walls, suggesting an indoor setting.
A person holds a clapperboard used in film production. The clapperboard includes details such as scene number, take number, and the name Hunter Moranville. The person is wearing a white T-shirt with text and graphics related to filmmaking and a black jacket.
A person holds a clapperboard used in film production. The clapperboard includes details such as scene number, take number, and the name Hunter Moranville. The person is wearing a white T-shirt with text and graphics related to filmmaking and a black jacket.